358 research outputs found

    Stellar Populations in the Large Magellanic Cloud from 2MASS

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    We present a morphological analysis of the feature-rich 2MASS LMC color-magnitude diagram, identifying Galactic and LMC populations and estimating the density of LMC populations alone. We also present the projected spatial distributions of various stellar populations. Major populations are identified based on matching morphological features of the CMD with expected positions of known populations, isochrone fits, and analysis of the projected spatial distributions. The LMC populations along the first-ascent RGB and AGB are quantified. We find the RGB tip at Ks=12.3±0.1K_s=12.3\pm0.1. Preliminary isochrone analysis is done for giant populations in the bar and the outer regions of the Cloud. We find no significant differences in metallicities and ages between the fields. The observed LMC giant branch is well-fit by published tracks in the CIT/CTIO system with a distance modulus of μ=18.5±0.1\mu=18.5\pm0.1, reddening EBV=0.150.20E_{B-V}=0.15-0.20, metallicity Z=0.0040.001+0.002Z=0.004^{+0.002}_{-0.001} and age 3-13 Gyr. Analysis of deep 2MASS engineering data with six times the standard exposure produces similar estimates.Comment: 32 pages including 11 figures and 3 tables. Submitted to Ap

    The Problems of Euro-Asian Theology for the New Millennium

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    Identification et caractérisation des conditions aux limites pour des simulations biomécaniques patient-spécifiques

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    The purpose of the work is to find a way to estimate the boundary conditions of the liver. They play an essential role in forming the predictive capacity of the biomechanical model, but are presented mainly by ligaments, vessels, and surrounding organs, the properties of which are "patient specific" and cannot be measured reliably. We propose to present the boundary conditions as nonlinear springs and estimate their parameters. Firstly, we create a generalized initial approximation using the constitutive law available in the literature and a statistical atlas, obtained from a set of models with segmented ligaments. Then, we correct the approximation based on the nonlinear Kalman filtering approach, which assimilates data obtained from a modality during surgical intervention. To assess the approach, we performed experiments for both synthetic and real data. The results show a certain improvement in simulation accuracy for the cases with estimated boundaries.L'objectif de ce travail est trouvé un moyen d'estimer les conditions aux limites du foie. Elles jouent un rôle essentiel dans la capacité de prédiction du modèle biomécanique, mais sont principalement présentées par les ligaments, les vaisseaux et les organes environnants, dont les propriétés sont "spécifiques au patient" et ne peuvent être mesurées fidèlement. Nous proposons de présenter ces conditions comme des ressorts non linéaires et d'estimer ses paramètres. D’abord, nous créons une approximation initiale en utilisant la loi constitutive disponible dans la littérature et un atlas statistique obtenu à partir des modèles avec des ligaments segmentés. Après, nous la corrigeons basée sur le filtrage de Kalman non linéaire, qui assimile les données acquises d'une modalité pendant la chirurgie. Pour évaluation, nous avons réalisé des expériences avec des données synthétiques et réelles. Les résultats montrent une amélioration de la précision pour les cas avec des limites estimées

    The Platform for non-metallic pipes defects recognition. Design and Implementation

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    This paper describes a prototype software and hardware platform to provide support to field operators during the inspection of surface defects of non-metallic pipes. Inspection is carried out by video filming defects created on the same surface in real-time using a "smart" helmet device and other mobile devices. The work focuses on the detection and recognition of the defects which appears as colored iridescence of reflected light caused by the diffraction effect arising from the presence of internal stresses in the inspected material. The platform allows you to carry out preliminary analysis directly on the device in offline mode, and, if a connection to the network is established, the received data is transmitted to the server for post-processing to extract information about possible defects that were not detected at the previous stage. The paper presents a description of the stages of design, formal description, and implementation details of the platform. It also provides descriptions of the models used to recognize defects and examples of the result of the work

    Лексическая стратификация “Слова о полку Игореве”

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    This paper deals with the problem of dialect in The Tale of Igor’s Campaign. The author places great emphasis on lexical stratification. Dialectally marked vocabulary in The Tale is associated with only two areas of the East Slavic dialect continuum: 1) the South Eastern area (Southwest Russian, Belarusian, and Ukrainian dialects) and 2) the Northern area (Russian dialects originating in Pskov and Novgorod). Distribution of dialect words in The Tale is uneven: the South Western items characterize the main part of the text and the Northern elements prevail in some fragments. Although the presence of dialectal vocabulary in The Tale has long been established, a complementary distribution of the South Western and Northern items has not yet been observed. Grammatical analysis of The Tale shows that 1) its text dates from before the end of the 13th century, and 2) its dialect may be localized in the Pskov-Polotsk zone, perhaps in its South Pskov or Toropets-Selizharovo areas. At the same time, the grammar of The Tale lacks typical South Western features, and there arises the problem of contradictory evidence of grammar and vocabulary. Perhaps the dilemma may be solved by going beyond the bounds of purely linguistic research into The Tale’s text.Настоящая работа посвящена проблеме диалектной идентификации “Слова о полку Игореве” (далее “Слово”). Главное внимание уделяется лексической стратификации текста памятника. Диалектно маркированная лексика, представленная в “Слове”, связана с двумя ареалами восточнославянского диалектного континуума: 1) юго-западным (юго-западные русские, белорусские и украинские украинские говоры) и 2) северным (приблизительно совпадающим с границами древнерусских Псковской и Новгородской земель). Распределение диалектной лексики в “Слове” неравномерно: для большей части текста характерна юго-западная лексика, для ряда фрагментов — северная. Преобладание “юго-западной” лексики над “северной” в тексте “Слова” является давно установленным фактом. Однако дополнительное распределение юго-западной и северной лексики, по-видимому, не было замечено. Грамматический анализ “Слова” показывает, что 1) памятник датируется временем не позднее XIII в.; 2) его диалект локализуется в псковско-полоцкой зоне, предположительно в южнопсковской или торопецко-селижаровской ее частях. При этом в грамматике “Слова” отсутствуют отличительные признаки, характерные для юго-западного, и в этом заключается противоречие показаний лексики и грамматики. Решение этой дилеммы, по всей видимости, лежит за рамками чисто лингвистического исследования

    On Developing Facial Stress Analysis and Expression Recognition Platform

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    This work represents the experimental and development process of system facial expression recognition and facial stress analysis algorithms for an immersive digital learning platform. The system retrieves from users web camera and evaluates it using artificial neural network (ANN) algorithms. The ANN output signals can be used to score and improve the learning process. Adapting an ANN to a new system can require a significant implementation effort or the need to repeat the ANN training. There are also limitations related to the minimum hardware required to run an ANN. To overpass these constraints, some possible implementations of facial expression recognition and facial stress analysis algorithms in real-time systems are presented. The implementation of the new solution has made it possible to improve the accuracy in the recognition of facial expressions and also to increase their response speed. Experimental results showed that using the developed algorithms allow to detect the heart rate with better rate in comparison with social equipment

    “From Default to Interest”: Domestic Anti-War Thought in the Second Half of the 19th – Beginning of the 20th Centuries in Soviet Historiography

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    Introduction. The article considers the trends in the development of Soviet historiography of Russian anti-war thought in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Analysis. The interrelation of the evolution of the views of Soviet researchers on pre-revolutionary pacifism with socio-political changes in the USSR is revealed. The negative assessments of “bourgeois pacifism” expressed by V.I. Lenin had a significant impact on the study of peacekeeping in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. Methods and materials. In the existing historiography, only certain aspects of the problem are considered. Among the most important methods and approaches used in writing this work are the historical-systemic and historical-comparative methods. The source base of the study was primarily scientific works, reference and encyclopedic publications, and journalistic materials. Results. The authors propose to single out three stages in the history of the study of Russian anti-war thought in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries in Soviet times. The most distinct features of the first stage (lack of significant research on the topic, harshness, and categorical assessments) emerged in the mid-1920s and were traced until the mid-1950s. Against the background of political changes in the USSR and the growth of public interest in the problem of maintaining peace, there was a serious increase in research interest in the history of Russian anti-war thought. Peacekeeping ideas were considered during this period primarily within the framework of legal, historical, and philosophical studies. The third stage became noticeable at the end of the 1980s, which manifested itself in a significant increase in works on the history of domestic pacifism and its terminological “rehabilitation.” Authors’ contribution. N.Yu. Nikolaev revealed the trends in the development of Soviet historiography of Russian anti-war thought in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries. S.P. Ramazanov analyzed methodological approaches and carried out general scientific editing of the article

    Angle-susceptible sensing metasurface in terahertz regime

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    Trabajo presentado a la 3rd International Conference "Terahertz and Microwave Radiation: Generation, Detection and Applications (TERA 2018)", celebrada en Rusia del 22 al 25 de octubre de 2018Nowadays thin-film coatings and structures are widely used in advanced industrial and scientific ap-plications that makes the tasks of thin-film sensing highly demanded in practice. Last decade, stimulated by progress in terahertz (THz) instrumentation, a keen interest has been attracted to the THz spectral range to develop its potential for detecting and measuring properties of thin films. The THz radiation can be an alternative to visible and IR waves when examining optically opaque coatings. Meanwhile, due to a rela-tively large wavelength λ, the conventional spectro-scopic methods (TDS-, FDS-, FTIR-, BWO-based) are ill-suited for direct characterization of films with the thickness d of about 2−4 orders of magnitude smaller than λ. This problem can be solved with met-amaterials, in particular, with plasmonic metasurfaces (PMSs) [1–5]. The plasmonic resonance exhibits a high sensitivity of its spectral response to the dielec-tric environment due to a strong field localization what makes possible measuring of analyte layers sat-isfying d << λ condition. The traditional approach of THz thin-film sensing with PMSs is based on detecting a frequency shift of the resonance when the analyte is deposited onto the PMS. In this work, we present the idea to substitute THz spectral measurements for tracking the PMS re-sponse at a fixed wavelength upon changing the incidence angle θ of the exciting THz beam. This concept works well for the PMS with a narrowband resonance sensitive to θ. The results of the numerical investigations and experimental study of such PMS designed as a single-layer array of hexagon-shaped annular slots (Fig. 1) with angle-susceptible resonant transmission near 0.85 THz are presented.The work is partially supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project #17-32-80039)